By Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN, Registered Dietitian and Owner of The Food Therapist, LLC

Elevated total and LDL cholesterol are correlated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. While high cholesterol can be genetic, what you eat can have a significant impact on your cholesterol levels.

What do these five foods have in common? Fiber! Specifically, these foods provide soluble fiber, which creates a gel in your digestive tract and binds to cholesterol to help remove it from your body before it gets into your bloodstream. Soluble fiber may also reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol through the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which feed good bacteria in the gut.


Oats are one of the richest grain sources of soluble fiber. Start your morning with a cup of oatmeal porridge, muesli, or overnight oats to get 2 grams of this cholesterol-lowering fiber.



While all beans are good sources of soluble fiber, kidney beans are one of the best with 4 grams per cup. Enjoy a comforting bowl of rajma served over brown Basmati rice.



Okra is non-starchy (ie low carbohydrate) vegetable that’s popular in Southern cooking as well as Indian cuisine. It’s also a good source of soluble fiber. Instead of using a lot of oil to make fried bhindi, make a “wet” sabji for a lower-calorie, low-fat vegetarian dish.


eggplant photoEggplant

Eggplant is another low-calorie vegetable that’s a good source of soluble fiber. Baingan bharta has a delicious, smoky flavor and uses less oil compared to deep frying for pakoras or dishes like eggplant parmesan.



A common fruit used for prasad at Hindu temples in the US, apples are rich in the soluble fiber pectin to help lower cholesterol.


Questions about your diet and heart health? Send me an email at


Rachelle LaCroix Mallik, MA, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian and owner of The Food Therapist, LLC, a private nutrition counseling practice based in Chicago. Rachelle specializes in reproductive nutrition for fertility, prenatal, and postnatal wellness. She earned a Bachelor’s with Honors in Human Nutrition at Arizona State University and a Master’s in Food Studies – Food Culture at New York University. Rachelle is a member of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group, and she serves on the board of the Academy’s Chicago chapter.

Rachelle lives in Lakeview with her husband Ronak, baby boy Arjuna, and adopted pup Lola. She’s also a Bolly Groover – it’s her favorite form of cardio!

Visit her at or follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @rachellemallik.